Table of Contents
- Wills
- Elderly Parents
- Powers of Attorney
- Probate
- Representation Agreements & Living Wills
- Trusts
- Resource for seniors in Canada, Kelowna, Penticton and Vernon.
Our Wills, Estates & Trusts Blog
Visit the FH&P Lawyers LLP blog to read the latest about wills, estates and trusts from our team.
What is Elder Law?
Elder Law is a term that originated in the United States which defines the area of law that focuses on legal issues that affect the elderly, their spouses, and/or their children. The general population may have the same issues from time to time. It is the seniors in our community who often have a greater need for Estate Planning, Planning for Incapacity, Representation Agreements, Powers of Attorney, and other areas involving long term planning.
The information provided here is not intended to give all the answers to everyone’s questions regarding Elder Law. It is intended to act as a resource for seniors and also for their families who are slowly facing the challenges of aging. Information provided is limited to legal issues relating to British Columbia, Canada and no other jurisdiction. Your suggestions and comments are always welcome.